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International Treasures |
- It appears that as well as ITV being happy with their World of Sport ratings, British network Channel 5 have teamed up with Spike TV (just the British one I think) to bring 5* Wrestling to television! With WOS being more for family entertainment, lets see how this one compares.
- It is being reported that Lucha Underground is very close to making a deal to appear on Netflix. It's always good when access improves, with this meaning that a lot more people in areas where LU wasn't previously available will be able to watch. Good news all round.
- Yes, Chris Jericho is the new WWE United States Champion! The one belt in WWE that has evaded him all this time is finally added to the list (of Jericho, maaaaan)
Monday Night RAW
Best Match on RAW (9/1/17): Roman Reigns vs Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens - WWE United States Championship Match
Monday kicks us off this week with a United States Championship Match defended in a 2-on-1 handicap match!
Now whilst this match was quite a 'OOWAAH REIGNS POWER' match with lots of clotheslines and punches, it did have some cool spots in it. Reigns hit a Superman Punch off of Jericho's triangle dropkick that was pretty nice looking, and Jericho hit a Lionsault for the first time in ages, love it! But the shining stars of this match weren't Primo and Epico, but they were the combos done by KO and Jericho towards the end of the match.
Not a thick...meaty match here, but it was fun to watch, especially those cool ending spots. Other than that, RAW was kinda eh. C'mon lets get to some proper Rumble/Mania build now lads.
SmackDown! LIVE
Best Match on SD! (10/1/17): American Alpha (Chad Gable & Jason Jordan) vs The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt & Randy Orton) - SmackDown! Tag Team Championship Match
This was pretty similar to these two teams's previous encounters, but it was still a good watch.
Gable took one hell of a beating in this one. Even though he tends to be the one taking the brunt of the damage to build towards a Jordan hot tag, it felt like he was taking more of a shit-kicking than usual, particularly from Orton. Gable is just a treat to watch, whether he's dishing it out on the offensive or whether he's selling and taking a beating on the defensive. There's always glimmers where you think 'cyoar, that was sweet' in his matches, even if its just his simple holds and transitions.
The match came to a close from Luke Harper screwing things up for the Wyatts, allowing Alpha to score a roll-up victory and tick off another victory. It was quite a decently lengthed match though my write up doesn't make it feel so, but Orton does like to drag things out, filling in some time there. Good match here.
205 Live
Best Match on 205 Live (10/1/17): Cedric Alexander vs Noam Dar
The Cruiserweights are taking over now as we look towards 205 Live, which featured the face off between Cedric Alexander and Noam Dar.
Dar worked the bejeezus out of Cedric's arm for quite a large portion of this match, but it didn't really play into anything that decided the ending so there wasn't much of a point, shame that. Cedric had a solid babyface fighting from the back foot match in this one, started off pretty well, get beaten up some, and throw in some comebacks with pzazz and there ya go, entertainment!
Now, Alicia Fox/Faaawwwks played a role in this, getting in the way a couple times and all out interfering in the finish. She betrays Cedric and pulls Dar out of the way of a moonsault, alllowing him to capitalise. I suppose I didn't see it coming, but I'm not too fussed.
Best Match on NXT (11/1/17): #DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) vs The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) - NXT Tag Team Championship Match
They sure know how to treat us, it's #DIY squaring off with The Revival!
Now, this wasn't as good as their clashes at Brooklyn and Toronto, but it was still damn good. It was a much faster, more action packed match than their prior battles, which I think was beneficial in the TV format, we haven't been building to this for long, so it makes sense that this isn't an epic. I thought this was awesome for what it was.
How does Johnny Gargano still have knees? They were targeted yet a-fuckin'-gain in this one, adding a nice layer to this match and letting us all reminisce over this killer rivalry. Johnny was beaten pretty bad, but boy when he got that hot tag to Ciampa did things go their way.
There was a cool double dive spot, with Gargano pulling out a suicide dive, that did look incredibly self-destructive, followed by Ciampa doing some kind of diving knee attack off the apron to lay everyone out and get the crowd up.
The climax saw #DIY do their tag finisher with both Dash and Dawson being victim to it. It was an oddly nice thing to see, the two of them hugging in the centre of the ring before their fate was delivered, but then they got moidah'd.
Really good this one, check this out if you've dug this series so far and/or just like tag matches that do a lot with the time they have.
Ring of Honour
Best Match on ROH TV (Episode 277): Silas Young & The Beer City Bruiser vs Alex Reynolds & John Silver
Bloody hell I haven't seen these guys since PWG's last DDT4 tournament in 2015, Alex Reynolds and John Silver, its The Beaver Boys! It was lovely seeing them again because I thought they were awesome in PWG, and its sad they haven't popped up again there. Hopefully this isn't their last ROH appearance.
Bruiser and Young are starting to properly come together as a team, setting each other up for moves and using some more complex tag team manoeuvres. The Beaver Boys threw in a couple real nice sequences, and the build to Silver powering up and suplexing the hulk of Beer City Bruiser was a cool addition to the match.
I thought this match was real good, not many lulls, they were always doing something to keep it interesting. Plus this episode had a nice Colt Cabana vs Chris Sabin match if you want to give that a look-see, too. As always, you can watch ROH TV for FREE at either www.rohwrestling.com/tv/current or on the Fite TV app.
Lucha Underground
Best Match on LU (S3E19): Joey Ryan vs Texano
Going Underground, going underground, lyrics-lyrics-lyrics going underground.
We're in The Temple now and the best of the night was the contest between Joey Ryan and Texano.
Starting us off, Joey puts his lollipop in his trunks. As a possessor of male genitalia, this seems very uncomfortable, especially in wrestling trunks I imagine. What made it worse is later her took it out and put it back in his mouth. Fuckin' ewwwwwwwwwwww.
Truth be told, I'm just happy to see Joey appear at all. His matches are always fun to watch because I tend to taken away with his whole character shtick that I forget how good he is in the ring.
I can't really remember a whole lot of the in-ring stuff, but there was a whole thing with Famous B coming out to aid Texano in getting a victory. Decent match this.
The Verdict
Best Match of the Week: #DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) vs The Revival (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) - NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Once again they are top of the heap! Great in ring chemistry made for a great match to seemingly top off this feud around the tag belts. Lots of action made for a consistent entertainment throughout. Like I said, check this out if you've loved these two teams' work so far together.
With another week come and gone, the leaderboard now looks like this. Even on there DIY and The Revival are battling for supremacy. And now for a segment I'm still managing to keep chugging, its 'The Best Wrestling Quote of the Week'. This time, there was too many to choose from out of this one promo, so here it is in its entirety featuring Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens.
That's all from me for this week, hope you wonderful people had some fun these past few days, and I hope you have even more in the days yet to come. Stay safe, stay warm and stay your lovely selves.
Seeya next time!
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